
Code of Conduct

As a condition of membership, members are asked to abide by the Code of Conduct. 


Members are to respect the rights, dignity and worth of other gardeners and visitors regardless of their culture, age, abilities, gender, religion, or cultural background.


All members are to behave with integrity in their dealings with others. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate Behaviour

Swearing or Yelling. Sexually suggestive comments or jokes. Racist comments or jokes.

Inappropriate Behaviour

Using Derogatory language or making insensitive comments. Violent or aggressive behaviour Bullying, Harassing, Humiliating or Intimidating others.

Note: Disciplinary action, suspension or termination of membership may result from repeated inappropriate behavior. Wherever possible, disagreements between members should be settled between themselves calmly and amicably. If this is not possible the TCOGA conflict resolution and grievance procedures should be followed 

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